Member Meetings
Your co-op, your vote!
As a member of Southwest Rural Electric Association Inc., you have a voice in the decision-making process of the cooperative. An Annual Meeting of SWRE members is held each year in October. Notices of all annual meetings are published in local newspapers, Oklahoma Living and Texas Co-op Power member newsletter inserts, social media, and on this website.
SWRE's 88th Annual Meeting
October 7, 2025 | Time TBD
Altus, OK & Vernon, TX
District meetings are also held each year for members to discuss issues and/or elect representatives to the SWRE Board of Directors. Only members living within the district can vote during a district meeting. Official notices will be mailed to all members inside the district according to the bylaws. A district meeting is held for each district every third year.
District #1
Incumbent: Don Ellis
Date and Location TBD
District #7
Incumbent: Dan White
Date and Location TBD
The district filing period for trustees is the last consecutive Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the month of October. Members in these districts have the opportunity to file as a candidate for trustee during the filing period. Qualifications, filing requirements and selection procedures for SWRE directors are stipulated in the SWRE Bylaws which are available online or by request at the SWRE office.