Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC), SWRE’s power supplier, owns and operates a diverse power generation fleet consisting of gas and coal generation, in addition to solar and wind facilities. WFEC also has power purchase agreements for wind, solar, natural gas and hydroelectric generation. The percentages listed represent an average of WFEC’s kWh input into the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) Market for 2022. All kWhs are then purchased from the market at SPP’s blend of power.

WFEC is a leader in the integration of renewable energy that benefits all of our members. Most recently, 250 MW of wind energy from the Skeleton Creek project was added with an additional 250 MW of solar energy and 200 MW of battery storage to be completed by 2023. After the next phases are complete, WFEC’s planned generation portfolio will consist of over 300 MW of solar generation, 957 MW of wind generation and 268 MW of hydro-electric generation.
We know our members are very interested in green energy sources and renewables. If you'd like to explore solar energy without the hassle of equipment and maintenance, check out SWRE's Community Solar Project.